The Surge 2: Behind The Scenes - The Evolution Of The Fledge Engine

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A behind-the-scenes look at the development of The Surge 2 - the story of how Frankfurt-based Deck 13 created its own engine - Fledge - and enhanced/refined it for this new release. It's an in-depth look into a modern rendering engine and the new features added for This video was sponsored by The Surge 2's publisher, Focus Interactive - but we wanted to explain how this project came about and what sponsorship actually means in this case. Our aim is to produce more deep dive content like this with high production values - the kind of video that wouldn't look out of place alongside a Netflix documentary. But the bottom line is that YouTube advertising will not pay for this level of production. We approached Focus Interactive, pitching this project as a sponsorship opportunity. Focus and developer Deck 13 were highly enthusiastic, the project we wanted to do became viable and the end result is the video you see today. Monetisation for this video is disabled - and we really hope you enjoy it!



3.6 GB

1920x1080, 59.94fps, 11.8mbps

AC3 2.0, 448kbps, 48000Hz



1.5 GB

1920x1080, 59.94fps, 5.0mbps

AC3 2.0, 448kbps, 48000Hz

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